Strategic Staffing and Project Management

Resources for IT Projects and Operations

The right people with the right skills at the right time.

Build Capabilities, Deliver Success

In the fast-evolving tech landscape, having the right team is as crucial as having the right technology. At CloudSmiths, we specialise in identifying and deploying skilled professionals who not only fit your project requirements but also your company culture, enhancing teamwork and project success.

Get Started Today

See how our tailored staffing solutions can help turn your tech ambitions into reality.

Tailored Expertise for Every Challenge

Our diverse set of engagement models offers you the flexibility to fill skill gaps, complete critical projects, and tackle key technical business challenges. Each model is designed to be modular and complementary, allowing us to tailor a solution that perfectly fits your specific needs at different stages of your project or business cycle.

Team Augmentation

for Filling Skill Gaps

Enhance your existing teams by seamlessly integrating our skilled professionals. Whether you need additional expertise for a short-term project or long-term development, our team augmentation model flexibly fills the gaps.

Feature Teams

for Cross-functional Delivery

Our cross-functional Feature Teams are structured to deliver complete features from start to finish, integrating seamlessly with your processes. This model supports dynamic environments and complex projects by providing comprehensive, multidisciplinary expertise.

Tiger Teams

for Critical Incident Response

Deploy Tiger Teams to address and resolve critical incidents rapidly. These teams consist of top-tier experts skilled in navigating high-stress situations effectively, ensuring minimal downtime and optimal operational continuity.

Centres of Excellence

for Deep Technology Expertise

Leverage our Centres of Excellence for unparalleled depth in specific technologies. This model provides access to cutting-edge skills and innovations, ensuring your projects are powered by the latest advancements in tech.

We've Got the Talent You Need

From niche specialists to seasoned leaders and versatile intermediates, we provide the right talent for every requirement, across all our technology partners

Outsource CTO
Cloud Architect
Security Engineer
Functional Consultant

Software Engineer
Data Scientist
Data Engineer
Frontend Developer

DevOps Engineer
Site Reliability Engineer
Automated Tester Eng.
Business Analyst

Systems Analyst
Product Owner
Project Manager

From Our Blog

Need a team? Let's discuss your requirements.

Fill out the form to start a conversation about how we can help you find the right people for your projects.

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